Dev Notes

Goods and Services Offered

SciGraph API is already complete - you can check my GitHub; I just have to add procfiles on Heroku to start the server and hook it up here on the frontend with Stripe API integrated. The home page and contact page will be styled once I have the time to. I am quite busy now so those will have to wait for another 2 weeks. I am planning to have first few hours free based on visitor IP address, and then rest of it charged just to cover server costs. Probably about 5 dollars per month for eco dynos. Some classic web games will be coming up soon, including but not limited to: Tetris, PacMan, Space Invaders, Chess, 8 Ball Pool.

About Me

I graduated from UBC with a Bachelor of Science majoring in Physics. Currently working part time as a tutor at Elite Education teaching Physics and Maths. Passionate about coding and learning new technologies. I am currently studying for Insurance Level 1, and also learning to transition from VScode to NeoVim.

GitHub: https://github.com/AndrewZhouMQ123 LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/andrew-zhou-8b4296326/


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